Private birthday party in June 2007
With WyldeFyre
Newly Hatched House Wren Summer 2008 Central Texas
I was closer to her than I expect to be with anyone else in my life.
Tomorrow, July 22 is the 6th anniversary of her death.
Last week I heard some current research results that made me appreciate my mother and remember something significant, loving and intellectual she did for me bringing me up. Now I see my mom was ahead of her time with respect to literacy.
Last week on NPR I heard a story discussing how the Harry Potter books have brought a generation of kids back to reading. In the study they looked into why some kids read and some kids don't like to read. One of the unexpected results showed kids who start reading early (around 1st grade) often loose interest in reading somewhere around 8-12 years old, because they have a hard time finding the next good book. This idea reminded me of when I was a kid and my mom constantly shared books with me she thought I had in interest in reading. My mom loved to read and she was very happy to see her eldest child and daughter enjoying books. Then I wondered if reading would have always held my interest if my mom had not been so encouraging.
My recent mammal, bird, reptile & amphibian shots of common Central Texas wildlife in the summer.
My recent shots of bugs and 8 legged creatures, like spiders & scorpions, common to Central Texas in the summer.
I would love to hear the scientific names or the common names for these creatures. I took all of these photos in the June and July of this year near my home in Central Texas.
We have also seen evidence (footprints) of wild pigs
Have smelled skunk
Not wild but loose on the property
Lots of cats
Lots of dogs
Horses (belonging to the neighbors, what a surprise it was that morning to wake up to horses in the yard)
As I remember or see more wild animals close to home I will probably continuously update this blog entry
Since I did not get a good photo of the deer, I am including a pic of a baby bunny we tried to rescue with this blog. Here is a pic of the bunny we tried to rescue...