Thursday, January 24, 2008


No, I don't mean the Xena episode with this blog title. I am referring to the poignancy of loosing my brother last Oct. 2007 & at the same time finding out who my Russian ancestors were, while visiting family on my funeral trip.

The lady who is working on my Babushka's memoirs sent me more family info showing exactly who more of the Russian ancestors were. I am so excited I want to pop out of my body.

The mother of my grandmother, Tatiana Wolkonsky (also known by the nickname Tanya), was Maria Alexisovna Andreev. Her grandmother was Nathalia ?

Tanya's father was Prince Dmitri Alexandrovich Wolkonsky. His father was Prince Alexandre Borisovich Wolkonsky born in 1864 and his mother was Countess Catherine Alexisovna von Lanlarsky of Lithuania.

Great uncle Peter was somehow related to Tanya's great-grandfather. There are almost no dates noted except for just a couple. Sabinio [The family estate] was granted by Czar Alexander II in 1868 to either Prince Boris Gregorovich Wolkonsky or his father Gregory Borisovich Wolkonsky.

Tanya did say her father was a diplomat. He died in 1909 according to my Dad. He had a heart attack on the train between Paris and St. Petersburg, from "High Living".

I was told growing up there was some Lithuanian in the family line too, but that is not enough for me to count (less than 1/32) now I see where that came from.

I am so excited I could probably take off & fly

Now that I know all the Wolkonskys did not die out, if I could just meet more of my Russian cousins, aunts, uncles etc!!! I do not know many of my Russian relatives.


Anonymous said...

Дмитрий Александрович Волконский:

Anonymous said...

this is Victoria Pentecost you could say I think that we are cousins of sorts. your Grandmother is my Grandfather Boris' sister. So she is my great aunt. my father was the illegitimate son of Boris. My grandmother was separated from her first husband when she had a love affair with Boris. From what I have been told she did not let anyone know or allow Boris to claim him as his because my Grandmother wanted my dad to have all of the proper schooling etc. And being that grandfather Pentecost had money well there you go. Betty Wolkonsky is actually here at the moment and gave us a copy of the book you mention in your blog. well so I guess even though I am not a legitimate relative, my dad is as is my brother and his two sons a Volkonsky by blood. feel free to contact me.