Saturday, January 31, 2009

AMBER'S ANIMAL TALES AROUND AUSTIN VOL 1/27/09 - Bull That Came to Dinner

WE stepped outside late Sunday night to find this gentle bull grazing in the yard. A friend told me this bull is a Red Brangus and these are typically very gentle animals. The Bull stayed for about 36 hours, from about 11PMish or before on 1-25-09, until about 10 AM on 1-27-09. I did not get very close to him but I did get a chance to verify he was truly a bull. (My camera does have a zoom feature.) I could not see any signs of tagging or branding or any other identifying marks. He remained unconcerned when I would walk by. He would look up at me with a curious look on his face and return to chewing on the lawn. He was apparently more interested in eating than confronting any humans in the area. In the last picture he reminded me of a stray cat that wanted to live with us. He mowed the lawn, left us some fertilizer and I guess went home as we prepared to be hit with winter storm bringing sleet and ice.