Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I found the file below online today at Roots Web.

From old newspapers, here are some wedding announcements for my great grandparents.

This is another of the presents my mother left behind, RIP.

Marriage Notice
Kelley and Anthony


Kelly - Anthony*
Married at the residence of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Anthony on the 8 inst., at the hour of 1 p. m. Miss Margaret Anthony to Mr. D. M. Kelley, of 1304 Shelby Ave. , Nashville . A beautiful and touchingly appropriate marriage ceremony, by the uncle of the bride, Rev. J. M. Galloway, sealed the bond of two loving hearts, leaving the assurance that heaven’s benediction rested thereon.

None but the immediate relatives were present and this precious young life went out, amid this atmosphere of love, with him so fitted to intensify, if possible, that love by which she has always been sheltered. When ‘tis said that Dorsey M. Kelly is a christian gentleman in the broadest sense of the word, no more need be said.

As "heavens benediction" rested on the lovers, so may it rest with increased effulgence on their wedded lives, typical of the heavenly light that beckons to the shining shore of the home beyond, "that witching light that never was on sea or land."

* Typo: Surname correctly spelled KELLEY.

The marriage of Mr. Dorsey M. Kelley to Miss Margaret Anthony was celebrated at the residence of the bride’s parent, at Oak Hill Farm, near Aspen Hill, Tuesday evening last

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Anthony, and is well known to the people of Giles County , and duly appreciated as a lady of sweet graces and modest as a violet, with a bright and well-trained mind, and will be a priceless treasure in her husband’s home.

The groom is a bright, worthy and promising young gentleman, and belongs to one of the oldest and most distinguished families of Tennessee , being a son of the late Rev. Samuel A. Kelly, of Nashville .

After the marriage the bridal couple left for Nashville , where they will be at home to their friends at 1304 Shelby Avenue .

THE RECORD, with their many other friends, extends congratulations and best wishes. May their marriage add new charms to their existence and brighten their hopes of the future. A long and a happy one to both.

On the 8th inst. Mr. D. M. Kelley, of Nashville , swooped down upon our valley, very unexpectedly to our people, and carried off to his home Miss Margaret Anthony, one (of) our few young ladies. Because they are few, and all so charming, we are loth(sic) to give up any of them; however, we wish the young couple much joy and prosperity.

Mr. D. M. Kelley, of East Nashville and Miss Margaret Anthony, daughter of Mr. W. W. Anthony, one of Giles County’s most respected citizens, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Richland Farm, Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock. Rev. J. M. Galloway performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Immediately after the wedding an elegant dinner was served in honor of the young married couple. The couple arrived in this city on the evening train and are at home to their friends at 1304 Shelby avenue . Mr. Kelley has just attained his majority and is a gentleman of brilliant turn of mind. Miss Anthony is a young lady of rare accomplishments and beauty.

HANDWRITTEN (by Rev. James M. Galloway) RECORD OF MARRIAGE Being an ordained minister of the gospel, and a member of the Richland Presbytery, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, I hereby certify to all interested parties, that, on the eighth day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety five, I united in holy Matrimony, at the residence of the bride’s parents, William W. & Mrs Emma Anthony, seven miles south of Pulaski, Giles County, Tennessee, Mr. Dorsey M. Kelley, and Miss Margaret Anthony, in the presence of the family, Miss Maxey Sullivan, Mr. Dan, Jas. D. & Mrs Mary Anthony, and Mrs Emily Galloway. It was the most impressive and beautiful marriage the writer ever witnessed. Given at Pulaski , Tennessee , this the 24th day of January, eighteen hundred & ninety five. James M. Galloway.