Demon Eyes
Drummers, photo by me
Acrobats, photo by me
Spark, photos by me
Me fire dancing by Cherie
Newly Hatched House Wren Summer 2008 Central Texas
Demon Eyes
Drummers, photo by me
Acrobats, photo by me
Spark, photos by me
Me fire dancing by Cherie
9-27-08 Correction - From Smithsonian Field Guide to Birds of North America, page 109, I think this bird is actually a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Next several shots are a baby Blue Heron I think. He sat still for a long time this morning and watched me shoot pictures of him.
Vulture in flight
Not sure what kind of bird this is
Crane or Egret?
Might be a young Blue Heron (that's what he looked like when he flew away).
Not sure what kind of bird he is
Black Headed Red Bird
Swallow, scissor tale?
Crane or Egret?
Red Shouldered Blackbird?
9-27-08 Addition - From Smithsonian Field Guide to Birds of North America, page 460, this bird may be a male Red-winged Blackbird. These birds often have some yellow with the red tips. The field guide indicates there is a bi-colored Blackbird like this that is native to California. (I am in Texas.)
Shaunti (and his fire tale)
Hawk and Riven